Monday 29 September 2014

General Introductions...

Hello, and thank you for stopping by...

My name's Vince, and I'm a wargamer. I predominantly play Malifaux these days, although I cut my teeth on Games Workshop games, but their crazy pricing, poor quality and release a new edition every couple of years attitude has seen me put down my dice in favour of something new and Wyrd (see what I did there?)

I started out playing Malifaux early this year thanks to Wyrd forums' Big Ned (Nate Z) who is my local Henchman (Wyrd's term for someone who runs demos and promotes the games). One look at the models he had with him, beautifully painted and expertly based, along with listening to him practically gush about the game for a mere 5 minutes and I was hooked.

Within the hour I had ordered my first crew (zombie hookers for the win!).

Within the week I had gone out and bought a crew box, rule book and fate deck to play with as I couldn't wait any longer for my stuff to arrive, having had two intro games against ProximoCoal (Connor B) using his also excellently painted models.

And so my addiction was raised (I would have said born, but since my faction of choice is resurrectionist, I thought this was more appropriate).

Long story short, I now have at least one crew for each faction (there are seven in total) and an ever growing collection of models that are just that little bit different from your average wargame.

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